[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”slideInLeft”]Without a doubt, when it comes to pre-departure orientation and training, our school is unlike any other. For instance:

The demonstration facilities

Our presentation space is currently cutting edge. It’s spacious enough for all the students to spread out and have a go at each piece of demo machinery. We have 25 students per piece of machinery. Training consistently and rigorously allows us to achieve this final ready-to-go student. Our belief is to train hard and work easy.

Class size

At most, each classroom will have 35 students. There should be enough time and resources for each student to receive individualized attention from the teacher.


We think a student should be able to eat somewhere closer to their place of employment. In comparison to other training institutions, our cafeteria offers the best quality, variety, and value of food.

End of course reports to companies

After the course is over, we provide the companies with a report on the student’s progress in areas such as discipline, grades, ratings on the course’s objectives, and health. As part of the recruitment company’s efforts to improve its deployment success, it will implement strategic changes along the value chain.

Inhouse Nurse

For those in need of medical attention, we have a nurse on staff with over two decades of experience. Our prompt care helps students get back to their studies without interrupting their schedules or taking up valuable company resources that could be put to better use elsewhere.

Facilities Cleanliness

All of our spaces are meticulously maintained. Our school takes great care to ensure that no student ever has to worry about contracting a disease from being here. Clean drinking water is available at all times thanks to the water filtration systems we installed on site.

Free Wi-Fi

Our philosophy is that education begins the moment a student enters our doors, in both overt and covert ways. Not a single thing. In order to better prepare them for their future jobs, we try to simulate working conditions as closely as possible. Since they will be subjected to similar restrictions overseas, we provide them with free WIFI during specified and regulated times.

Live social media demo videos

We have collected thousands of videos of migrant workers in Uganda from social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok. A wide variety of issues can arise in the workplace, including false videos, good and bad employees, social media abuse, and employee distress. We consult all of these to advise them on how to make the best of any given circumstance. Nothing shocking will occur to them.

Centrally Located

We’re conveniently located in the urban hub of Kira Municipality, which benefits from excellent public transportation. All the recruitment firms that use our school to drop off or pick up their students can do so quickly and easily.

Inhouse Canteen

Our goal is to make learning as convenient and stress-free as possible. An on-campus canteen ensures that our students always have access to reasonably priced, hygienically consistent, and safely stored supplementary necessities.

Students’ Leadership

A new class of students intakes elects its own leaders every year. Through real-world experiences, we instil a sense of leadership and accountability in our students. Additionally, students will take turns leading their class’s various discussion and demonstration syndicates.

Extra-curricular Activities

Our highly trained instructors lead a daily one-hour physical activity session in the evening. Getting in shape is a part of our curriculum.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]