PROGRAM UNIT PDO 202 21st Century Competencies for Migrant Workers


Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

PDO Training

2 weeks
PDO 202


Nsereko Mohammadi
Training Instructor
Anyango Jesca
PROGRAM UNIT PDO 204: Job Specification


Plot 2632, Princess Road -Kimbejja Namugongo Division, Kira Municipality   View map


PDO Training

PROGRAM UNIT PDO 202: 21st Century Competencies for Migrant Workers

Session 1: Introduction / Meaning of 21st Century Competencies
Session 2: Mindset and Behavior
Session 3: Personal and Psychological Wellbeing
Session 4: Foreign Language and Communication
Session 5: Work Ethics and Conduct


PROGRAM UNIT PDO 202: 21st Century Competencies for Migrant Workers


Suggested Total Duration: 32 Hrs.

Suggested Duration



1 hr Session 1: Introduction to 21st Century Competencies
10 hr Session 2: Mindset and Behavior
7 hrs Session 3: Personal and Psychological Wellbeing
10hrs Session 3: Foreign Language and Communication


Session 4: Work Ethics


Module Aims

By the end of this module, participants should be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of setting realistic and achievable goals.
  • Develop confidence and straight-headed understanding of their migration journey.
  • Effectively and efficiently communicate as well as have basic knowledge of the language of the COD.
  • Develop the desired work attitudes and ethical behavior.


Session 1: Introduction / Meaning of 21st Century Competencies


Session Objectives

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Access and know the different skills they have and how to use them.
  2. Understand their personal competencies and how they can improve them.


Suggested Duration 1 Hr.
30 min          Meaning of 21st Century Competencies.

30 min          What are the important skills for migrant workers?

Methodology:                Presentations, discussions, simulations.
Facilitator Materials:      Flip charts, markers, and video clips.
Participants Material:      Copies of the slides or takeaway notes.



Session Activities

  1. Presentation on 21st century competencies.
  2. Set scenarios on 21st century competencies that can help today’s migrant worker remain competitive in a changing job market.







Introduction to 21st Century Competencies

The 21st century skills comprise skills, abilities, and learning dispositions that have been identified as being required for success in 21st century society and workplaces by educators, business leaders, academics, and governmental agencies.


The term “21st-century skills” is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools and training centers need to teach to help learners thrive in today’s world


How today’s migrant worker can stay competitive in a changing job market

In order for a migrant worker to compete and remain relevant to his/her employers and grow in his/her roles, the following are some of the competencies they need to have to succeed in their migration journey.


Learning Skills

  • Critical thinking – this is the ability to think clearly and rationally, and understand the logical connection between ideas. Critical thinking might be described as the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking through issues.
  • Creativity – the ability to develop and express ourselves and our ideas in new ways. Creativity is stepping outside of the box or how a person explores ideas or uses different ways to solve issues.
  • Collaboration – working with another person or group in order to achieve or do something.
  • Communication – the ability to send and receive information clearly and effectively to achieve a goal.


Literacy Skills

  • Information – how to acquire information, use information, search for information and pass on accurate information.
  • Media – how to use media including soft media (internet, including social media and emails) and hard media (newspapers and magazines) to benefit you and your employer.
  • Technology – how to use technology for your benefit and your employer’s. This includes the use of machines and other gadgets.




Life Skills

  • Flexibility – the reaction of a person to situations as and when they arise, and the ability of a person to deal with unexpected challenges quickly, calmly, and efficiently.
  • Leadership – the process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others toward the achievement of a goal. Leadership in not authority or power.
  • Initiative – starting something with hope it will continue, and being willing to get things done on your own.
  • Productivity – completing the actions that move you closer to accomplishing your goals, thinking about what you aspire to get done, figuring out what you are physically capable of and getting things done.
  • Social Skills – these are skills we use every day to interact and communicate with others. They include verbal and non-verbal communication such as speech, gestures, facial expressions and body language.



Session 2: Mindset and Behavior

Session Objectives:

By the end of the session, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the importance of goal-setting.
  • Set their goals.
  • Determine the important goals.


Suggested Duration 10 Hrs
4 hrs         Goal Setting, Realities and Expectations

3 hrs         Interpersonal Skills

1.30 min      Reasoning and Assessing Situations

1.30 min      Personal Virtue (Ubuntu)

Methodology:                   Presentations, hands-on exercise, demonstration, role-play, brainstorming, reflective thinking, and discussion.
Facilitator Materials:        Flip charts, markers, and video clips.
Participants Materials:       Copies of the slides or takeaway notes.



Session Activities

  1. Setting short, medium and long-term goals.
  2. Demonstrate one’s understanding of mindset change.
  3. Conduct a role-play session on the appropriate interpersonal skills needed from a migrant in the COD. Participants should demonstrate how they will maintain good relations with employers and fellow employees in the COD.
  4. Participants discuss the extent to which their current lifestyles reflect the Ubuntu golden rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Participants should cite examples from their life experiences on how they have demonstrated this golden rule with the people they have been interacting with.




Goal Setting 

Goal setting is the powerful process of thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of the future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and knowing precisely what you want to achieve and concentrating your efforts.


Benefits of Setting Goals

  • Goals provide direction and focus.
  • Goals help in making a clear decision.
  • Goals give a sense of personal satisfaction.
  • Goals help maintain motivation especially during setbacks.
  • Goals set a realistic timeline for accomplishments.
  • Goals provide a better understanding of expectations.

The Secret to Success

Some goals can be achieved in a matter of months and others may take a few years. The secret is that all goals require hard work, saving money and agreement with the ones you love and trust.


Decision-making Tips

It is usually very difficult to talk about one’s (migrant’s) goals especially if it involves talking about money. Talking about money can cause stress and arguments in families and relationships. Below are some of the tips to help you make your migration decision.

  • Think carefully about what you want and the reason you want it before you talk to your family and friends.
  • Do not be afraid to talk about your goals. Everyone has a right to set their own goals.
  • Set aside sufficient time to discuss important issues especially concerning the family or people you trust.
  • Be confident when you speak; seek, and listen to the opinions of others without interruptions.
  • Be respectful and flexible to each family member or friends. Encourage everyone to express his or her opinion as they will help you make a decision.
  • Look for compromise solutions that will benefit all stakeholders.






Migration Worksheet

Think of your goals and fill in the box below. If you need to use a calculator, please do so or ask a friend for help.


My short-term goal is to ……



By (date)_____________________

It will cost ________________

How much I need

to save per month__________________________

My long-term goal is to ……



By (date)_____________________

It will cost ________________

How much I need

to save per month__________________________

My family’s short-term goal is to ……



By (date)_____________________

It will cost ________________

How much I need

to save per month__________________________

My family’s long-term goal is to ……



By (date)_____________________

It will cost ________________

How much I need

to save per month__________________________





This is a mental attitude and feeling of a person. There are people with a growth mindset and others with a fixed mindset.

In this session, migrants need to be helped to develop a growth mindset which in turn develops into a positive mindset.

Growth mindset: When a person believes that their basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. They can learn and develop a resilient personality through situations.

Fixed mindset: When a person believes the basic qualities like intelligence or talent are simply fixed traits and that talent alone creates success without effort.

Positive mindset is critical to achieving your goals and dreams in life. A person’s mindset can be cultivated, but only if they are willing to open themselves up to new ways of thinking and doing things.

  • Changing the mindset of people is to help them ensure their thinking results in new desired behavior.
  • Changing people’s behavior is most effective through changing their mindset.




Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are also known as social skills. The process of using social skills is called socialization. In a workplace, social skills are known as interpersonal skills. In the workplace, you will work with many people every day; strong interpersonal skills will enable you talk to and work with all types of people including your employer, manager, coworker, and customers. Interpersonal skills do more than just give you the ability to communicate with other people, but help you develop relationships that you need to succeed.

The nine interpersonal skills that will help you develop strong relationships and get along well with people in the workplace include:

  1. Clear communication
  2. Listening skills
  3. Self-control
  4. Positive attitude
  5. Assertiveness
  6. Conflict resolution
  7. Empathy
  8. Taking responsibility
  9. Good sense of humor


Developing a relationship with your employer

Respect your employer: Your employer will instruct on how your work is to be done. Your employer will determine your job description and the outputs you need to produce. However, the migrant worker needs to be mindful of their duties as failure to do so can lead to exploitation and additional duties not earlier mentioned. You should respect the fact that that your employer wants the job done and what priorities they might have.

Follow company procedures: Your workplace will have procedures and guidelines that need to be followed. If you feel uncomfortable with certain procedures, try to adapt, and ask your supervisor or colleagues if you need help. Make suggestions if you feel that improvements could be made.

Do not get involved in fights: If there is a fight between workers, do not get involved; move away from the group.


Developing a relationship with your fellow employees

Be friendly: Take the time to get to know your fellow employees. Be polite and remember their names, ask them where they live and about their families back home if they are comfortable with it and how they have found life living in the destination country.

Do not criticize your fellow employees in front of them, in front of your employer, or in front of other employees: Criticizing your fellow employees is not appropriate and is not a good way to solve conflicts.

Respect diversity: You may be working with workers from other countries and continents, and they may practice a religion different from yours or they have different etiquette (e.g., around personal space and touching). All these differences need to be respected.


Personal Virtues (Ubuntu)

Ubuntu can best be described as an African philosophy that places emphasis on ‘being self through others’. It is a form of humanism which can be expressed in the phrases ‘I am because of who we all are’. The Golden Rule is most familiar in in most regions of the world: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

The key aspects of Ubuntu in determining your personal virtues are:

  1. Sense of shame
  2. Morality
  3. Honesty
  4. Empathy
  5. Civic engagement
  6. Self-reliance
  7. Responsibility
  8. Transparency
  9. Integrity
  10. Proactivity
  11. Leadership
  12. Civility
  13. Humility
  14. Cleanliness
  15. Selflessness

How has living the Ubuntu way changed your life?

Consciously embracing Ubuntu in the way you live, means being optimistic, courageous, self-confident, and even-minded in all circumstances. These virtues will make you humble in the way you approach to all things.

Every organization has set values that members abide by. It is generally human nature to do the best for oneself and one’s organization, but true character is doing to others what you would do for yourself. This sense of accountability is much needed as it will eliminate a “them and us attitude”; Ubuntu brings a sense of oneness.



Session 3: Personal and Psychological Wellbeing

Session Objectives

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Have mental preparedness for the job and the new environment.
  2. Develop a self-motivated and self-directed attitude.
  3. Assess their individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to deal with challenges.
  4. Develop a more spiritual pattern that will help them in their day-to-day life.


Suggested Duration 7 Hrs
2 hrs         Self-confidence

2 hrs         Stress Management

1 hr 30 min      Spirituality

1 hr 30 min      Managing Life Away from Home

Methodology:                   Presentations, simulations, case studies, brainstorming,  and discussion.
Facilitation Materials:        Flip charts, markers, and video clips.
Participants Materials:       Copies of the slides or takeaway notes.


Session Activities

  1. Discuss the four main aspects of self–confidence.
  2. Brainstorm on the importance for migrants to have well-developed self–confidence personality.
  3. Explain how one can manage a stressful life situation in a foreign land.
  4. Explain how one can remain spiritually focused while in the COD.
  5. Using relevant examples from real experiences of working in a foreign country, examine the salient strategies of managing homesickness.




Personal and Psychological Wellbeing

Apart from the financial concern and the motivation to work abroad, there are issues that will affect you personally and may have a big impact on your health and psychological wellbeing. As a matter of fact, they may affect your attitude and cause you a lot of stress. If you have no spiritual inclination, you might have to develop a lifestyle that will help you cope with the effect of living away from home.



Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and your abilities. There are four aspects of self-confidence that will determine your general wellbeing as well.


  1. Self-esteem – refers to whether you appreciate yourself and value yourself. It is an inner feeling that enables you to be positive about you. Know your personal worth and construct a good image and respect for yourself.
  2. Self-awareness – the ability to make an honest look at your life with minding of being right or wrong. Recognize your thoughts, feelings, and values. Identify your personality and be sensitive to yourself.
  3. Self-acceptance – the ability and awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, the realistic (yet subjective) appraisal of one’s talents, capabilities and general worth and the feeling of satisfaction with oneself despite the past mistakes, choices, or behavior.
  4. Self-assurance – your attitude and perception about your own abilities and skills. Your acceptance and trust in yourself and having a sense of control in your life.


Benefits of Having Self-Confidence

  1. Being your best under stress. When you are confident, you perform up to your potential and you want to perform your best when it counts the most, when under pressure.
  2. Influencing others.Self-confident people often influence others more readily. This helps when selling an idea or product or negotiating at the workplace or at home.
  3. Having leadership and executive presence.Self-confidence plays a big part in leadership and executive presence. You create such presence by how you think, act (including how you carry your body) and use your voice.
  4. Showing a more positive attitude.When you feel confident about yourself, you believe you have an important and meaningful place in the world, giving you a positive attitude.
  5. Feeling valued. When you are confident, you know what you excel at and that you have value.
  6. Rising to the top.Looking for a promotion? The more confidence you have, the more likely you are to be promoted.
  1. Reducing negative thoughts. Greater self-confidence allows you to experience freedom from self-doubt and negative thoughts about yourself.
  2. Experiencing more fearlessness and less anxiety. Greater confidence makes you more willing to take smart risks and more able to move outside your comfort zone.
  3. Having greater freedom from social anxiety. Becoming more comfortable and being yourself reduce concern about what others might think of you. How liberating!
  4. Gaining energy and motivation to take action. Confidence gives you positive energy to take action to achieve your personal and professional goals and dreams. The more highly motivated and energized you are, the more likely you are to take immediate action.
  5. Being happier. Confident people tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives than people who lack self-confidence.


Stress Management

The busy life and the fact that you are living away from home will put a lot of strain on your mind. Stress is the mental tension caused by demanding, taxing or burdensome circumstances. Stress does not just affect your mental state and moods; it also affects your physical health as well. It is, therefore, important to learn how to manage stress in order to cope with living away from home.


Stress management consists of making changes in your life. If your workplace or job is constantly causing you stressful situations, preventing stress by practicing self-care, relaxation and managing your response to situations will be helpful.


How to manage stress or anxiety of living away from home

  1. Develop a strong support network.
  2. Improve your sleep.
  3. Develop a good nutrition.
  4. Create a wellness toolbox.
  5. Avoid procrastination.
  6. Learn to curb negative thinking.
  7. Exercise daily.
  8. Take a time out.
  9. Do your best.
  10. Maintain a positive attitude.
  11. Learn what triggers your anxiety or stress.


Spiritual Self-care

Spiritual self-care is the process that can also improve your personal and psychological wellbeing. This may be attained through:

  • Spiritual routine – Create or practice a spiritual routine that is acceptable in the country of destination, and that is also mindful and respects other people.
  • Create a sense of hope – Spiritual self-care can create a sense of hope; hope is used to describe an emotion or way of thinking that will help you believe that you can achieve your goal.
  • Practicing gratitude – Be aware of what good things or benefits you have compared to others and be thankful for them; this can encourage you and help you to hope for better things to happen. How? Because you can look around and see proof of the good things that have happened to you.
  • Finding purpose and perspective – Finding or creating an explanation about why you are alive is crucial to thriving and getting through hard times. Understand your purpose and create perspectives for your life.
  • Connecting with others – Develop a community you can network with for resources and support during hard times. Additionally, having others to be spiritual with can strengthen your experience and deepen your resilience.




How to manage life away from home

  1. Accept the fact that you will be gone for a long time – You will not be gone for only a few months, but several years. Thinking about how leaving your family will affect you, you may be sad and miss your family. But remember why you wanted to migrate in the first place.
  2. Collect information about your host country, its culture, and its people – Read about the country of destination, talk to friends, or visit the UAERA offices. Your worries about the place, your employer and your coworkers are a result of the fact that you have not been there before, and you do not know them. The best thing to do is to have more understanding of the place before you go.
  3. Accept that you will feel homesick – Even if you have been prepared for your travel and work abroad, you will still feel lonely in your host country as you are separated from your family and friends. You will feel homesick; you will miss the things that are familiar to you. Feeling homesick is natural and most people will experience it at some point in their life. People experience homesickness in different ways; some may feel lonely, sad, and anxious while others may feel physical symptoms like stomachache or headache. Most of the time, the feeling of homesickness will go away as you become familiar with your new surroundings.

How to deal with homesickness

  • Regularly communicate with your family.
  • Takes something with you that reminds you of home, perhaps a photo.
  • Keep yourself entertained by reading or playing sport or music.
  • Develop meaningful friendships in the country of destination.
  1. Agree with your family on how you can communicate and how often to do so – Will it be by phone, landline or mobile? Communicating via long-distance phone call can be expensive; so, factor it into your budget. If you agree to use the internet or social media, do you and your family know how to use the gadgets? Do you know how to use Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber or a familiar App service? Agree on how frequent your communication with your family will be. This will give predictability of your communication and your family may know they need to contact the PRA, Government or Embassy if they have not heard from you as planned.
  2. Develop codes when you communicate – You can develop a code to tell your family you are in a bad situation. This is important because if things go wrong and you are being watched or somebody is listening while you are on phone, you can still communicate your situation and your family can contact the PRA or Government or Embassy for help.
  3. Identify ways to deal with stress and depression – Migrating for work can be very stressful. You should try to find ways to deal with stress; for example, engaging in physical exercises, practicing your faith, spending time with friends, speaking to your family or practicing activities that make you feel comfortable. Do not use alcohol as a way to deal with stress and sadness.






Session 4: Foreign Language and Communication 


Session Objectives

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Have the basic knowledge of the language of the COD.
  2. Have the basic communication skills.
  3. Identify the specific communication barrier and know how to deal with them.
  4. Get knowledge of utilizing the different communication channels.


Suggested Duration 10 Hrs
2 hrs        Introduction to Basic English

5 hrs        Introduction to Language of Destination Country

1 hr         Communication Channels and Skills

1 hr         Communication Problems

1 hr         Communication outside the work environment

Methodology:                Presentations, hands-on exercise, demonstration, role-play, and discussion.
Facilitation Materials:      Flip charts, markers, and video clips.
Participants Materials:     Copies of the slides or takeaway notes.


Session Activities

  1. Introduce the topic and objectives of the module.
  2. Participants should hold dialogues on each of the following in English language:
  3. Greetings and basic questions.
  4. Phrases for asking for help during travel.
  5. Phrases for asking for help in country of destination.
  6. Phrases at the workstation on how to execute their tasks. This will include how to ask for guidance, as well as salary and leave.
  7. Participants should hold dialogues in the COD language on each of the following:
  8. Greetings and basic questions.
  9. Phrases for asking for help in country of destination.
  10. Phrases at the workstation on how to execute their tasks. This will include how to ask for help as well as salary and leave.
  11. Pronounce common phrases in COD language(s).
  12. Role-play: both household and workplace conversations.
  13. Demonstrate through a dialogue on how migrants can seek help and guidance from recruitment companies, Embassy and NGOs.




Introduction to English and Destination Country

English is the worldwide language of communication for migrants, especially if the country of origin and the destination country do not share the same official language. It is ideal for a migrant to be able to communicate in both English and the language of the destination country.


For semi-skilled or blue-collar jobs, the emphasis is on the communication skills both written and spoken. For unskilled jobs, emphasis is on making sure the migrant can communicate the basics that will enable him/her to survive and work relatively comfortably in the destination country.


In this module, the trainees need to be assessed in their command of English, both written and spoken. For trainees whose understanding of the English language is good, the basic communication lessons are not necessary, and focus should be done on the language of the COD.


Basic English


Not being able to communicate in English is a huge barrier to social inclusion and execution of duties. The training should focus on the following:

  1. Greetings and basic questions.
  2. Phrases for asking for help during travel.
  3. Phrases for asking for help in the country of destination.
  4. Phrases at the workstation on how to execute their tasks. This will include how to ask for help as well as salary and leave.


Language of the Destination Country (Case study: Arabic)


Learning basics of the destination country language is aimed at assisting the migrant in the easy and quick integration in the community and execution of their work. There are different words and phrases the different migrant workers should be exposed to. For example, the phrases for domestic workers will be different from the phrases for construction workers, security workers, and cashiers. However, all categories of workers would require knowing the following:

  1. Greetings and basic questions.
  2. Phrases for asking for help.
  3. Phrases at the workstation on how to execute one’s tasks, which would include how to ask for help as well as salary and leave.


Example of Common Phrases in Arabic


  Arabic English
1 naäam. -Yes.
2 laa. –  No.
3 min faDlik. – Please
4 shukran. – Thank you.
5 äafwan. – You’re welcome.
6 aläafw. –  Excuse me.
7 arjuu almaädhira. – I am sorry.
8 sabaah alkhayr. –  Good morning.
9 masaa’ alkhayr. –  Good evening.
10 tusbih äalaa khayr. – Good night.
11 hal tataHaddath al’ingiliiziyya? Do you speak English?
12 hal yuwjad aHad hunaa yataHaddath al’ingiliiziyya? Does anyone here speak English?
13 anaa ataHaddath faqaT qaliil min aläarabiyya. I only speak a little Arabic.
14 maa ismuk? What is your name?
15 ismii Hasan. My name is Hasan.
16 kayfa Haluk? How are you?
17 anaa bikhayr shukran. I’m fine, thank you!
18 anaa saäiid jiddan bimuqaabalatak. I am very glad to meet you.
19 anaa laa afham. I don’t understand.
20 madhaa taquul? What did you say?
21 hal yumkinuk attaHadduth bibut’ anaa Can you speak more slowly?
22 afham tamaaman. I understand perfectly.



Basic Household Conversation


  English Arabic
1 Teach me how to use the cooker. ealamani kayfiat aistikhdam altabakh.
2 What is this? – mal hdha?
3 I am sick. – ‘iinaa tebanon.
4 Can I rest, please? – hal yumkinuni alrrahat min fadlik?
5 Can I finish this first? – hal yumkinuni ‘iinha’ hdha awlaan?
6 I am coming. -‘ana qadimaton.
7 Can I call my family? – hal yumkinuni letisal bi’asrati?
8 I have four children. – ladaya albatu ‘atfalyen.



Communication Channels and Skills 


Communication has two types:

  • Verbal communication – simply the act of speaking to each other.
  • Non-verbal communication – the transmission of message through signals such as eye contact, facial express, gestures and postures.


There are three channels of communication:

  1. Digital communication – This includes the use of computers and mobile phones to communicate with others. It depends on the kind of job a migrant is doing to warrant the use of digital communication. However, all migrants will at one point use the digital communication of the mobile phone to communicate.
  2. Face-to-face communication – Face-to-face communication is the commonest, easiest and quickest means of communication. It is the act of talking between two or more people.
  3. Written communication – This communication is mainly for official duties and environment. It includes some extent of electronic/digital writing i.e., emails and physical writing such as letters.



Communication Skills

The most important communication skill is effective communication. Effective communication is defined as the ability to convey information to another person effectively and efficiently. Effective communication is determined by the following skills:

  1. Effective listening.
  2. Transparency and honesty.
  3. Professional language.
  4. Accurate information giving.
  5. Empathy and mirroring.


Barriers to Effective Communication

  1. Lack of interest.
  2. Other people.
  3. Discomfort with topic.
  4. Put down – not allowed to speak or told off.


How to Overcome Communication Barriers

  1. Good and attentive listening.
  2. Fostering good relationship.
  3. Purposeful and well-focused communication.
  4. Summarizing what has been said.
  5. Coordination between supervisor and subordinates.
  6. Avoiding technical language / Using simple words.
  7. Clarity in message.
  8. Following the organization’s procedures.
  9. Learning the language.
  10. Connecting with the audience.
  11. Thinking first before you communicate.
  12. Watching nonverbal communication.



  1. Direct participants to form groups of five people (adjust depending on the number of participants in the training) and instruct them to solve the puzzle you have given them without talking to each other.
  2. The group that completes the puzzle first wins the game. A maximum of five minutes is given.
  3. To the winner: “What made you succeed in the exercise?”
  • Possible answers may be teamwork, cooperation, good leadership, diligence, hard work and focusing on the goal.
  1. To the group that did not win: “What difficulties did you encounter in solving the puzzle?”
  • Possible answers may be lack of communication, absence of teamwork, no cooperation, need of leadership, absence of focus.
  1. To all the participants, ask: “What lesson learned from the activity can be applied to your situation as migrant workers?” If the participants do not respond with answers suggested below, the facilitator might ask the participants further questions, such as, “What would you do if you faced problems at work?” Possible answers may be:
  2. Communicating with another is important to achieve group success.
  3. Communicating what the problem is leads to finding its solution.
  4. If I remain quiet during a crisis, others will not know how they can help me solve it.
  5. Isolating myself from other migrant workers who live nearby will cut off my communication lines with people who can help me should I encounter problems.
  6. Maintaining open communication lines with my family and others may increase my personal motivation.


Communication with Outside Environment  

Communicating with the outside environment means talking with people who you are not working with or staying with. These will include your family in the country of origin, PRA, Government, NGOs, Embassy, etc.

  1. Communicating with the family – This needs to be planned and a schedule agreed upon. Most employers do not like employees who are on the phone all the time. This will lead them to confiscating the phone. You should agree with your family when and how often you will be communicating. Communicating with the family is important because it helps with sticking to your goal as well as managing the stress of living away from home. Your family are the people who will be the first to know that you are having a problem and if you cannot contact authority, they can do it for you. It is good to have the phone contact of your next of kin easily accessible, just in case.
  2. Communicating with PRA – A migrant will communicate with the PRA in case of unresolved issues with the employer; the PRA can help resolve issues of the migrant’s work status that have failed to be resolved internally.
  3. Communicating with Embassy – It is important that once in the COD, a migrant should endeavor to register with the respective Embassy in the COD. Such registrations help and should allow the migrant to receive rapid response from the Embassy. The Embassy can only be contacted when your life is at risk since it is there to ensure the safety of Ugandan citizens in that country. The Embassy can also be contacted only when the local authorities e.g., the police, have failed.
  4. Contacting NGOs – These are only contacted if one needs humanitarian assistance. Humanitarian assistance would include temporary shelter, food or even clothing in extreme cases. Some humanitarian assistance can go as far as legal services and repatriation back to the COO.



Session 5: Work Ethics and Conduct

Session Objectives 

By the end of this session, participants should:

  1. Be able to practice ethics and observe values in and out of their workplace.
  2. Be able to effectively manage their time and generate a working timetable and communicate it to their employers where necessary.


Suggested Duration 3 Hrs.
1 hr.      Importance of Work Ethics

1 hr.      Work Ethical Norms

1 hr.     Time Management

Methodology:                  Presentations, brainstorming, and discussion.
Facilitator Materials:        Flip charts, markers, and video clips.
Participants Materials:       Copies of the slides or takeaway notes.



Session Activities

  1. Discuss the tips needed to develop a strong work ethic.
  2. Brainstorm on the salient time management skills for successful career life.
  3. Explain the benefits of appropriate time management in one’s work life.





What Work Ethics Is

A person with a good work ethic is one that has the ability to focus on the tasks for as long as it requires them to get the work done. Focus is equally as important as persistence when it comes to working ethics. Focusing will allow you to finish your contract more efficiently while avoiding distractions.


Developing Strong Work Ethics

  1. Show up on time for duty.
  2. Dress appropriately.
  3. Finish tasks in a timely and efficient manner.
  4. Be professional.
  5. Create a work-life balance.
  6. Respect your employer and coworkers.
  7. Avoid unnecessary complaints.


Time Management

This concept refers to the ability to use one’s time effectively and productively, especially while at work.


Purpose of Time Management

The essential purpose of time management is to enable people to get more and better work done in less time or within the required time.


Time Management Skills

  1. Prioritizing – Wisely decide what to do based on importance and urgency; for example, look at your daily tasks and determine which ones are:
  • Important and urgent: do these tasks right away.
  • Important but not urgent: decide when to do these tasks.
  • Urgent but not important: Delegate these tasks if possible.
  • Not urgent and not important: set these aside to be done later.
  1. Delegation – Distribute tasks to other people that can do them properly and in the required time.
  2. Decision-making – Decide on the tasks and how best you are going to do them.
  3. Goal setting – Set goals that are achievable.
  4. Multitasking – Identify tasks that you can do concurrently and do them at once; e.g., cleaning while cooking.
  5. Problem-solving – Learn to deal with conflict that might affect your time in doing your work.
  6. Strategic thinking – Carefully plan your duties and program.
  7. Scheduling – This is the same as organizing yourself, and utilizing your calendar for more long-term time management. List down your tasks and know when you are supposed to do them.
  8. Managing appointments – Keep time for your appointment.
  9. Recordkeeping – Proper recordkeeping saves you time in looking for information or documents when they are required.


Benefits of Time Management

  1. Stress relief – Making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety and stress; as you check off items on your list, you can see you are making tangible progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed out.
  2. More time – Good time management gives you extra time to spend in your daily life. People who can manage time effectively enjoy having more time to spend.
  3. More opportunities – Managing time well leads to more opportunities and less time wasted. Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for.
  4. Ability to realize goals – Individuals who practice good time management can better achieve their goals and objectives and do so in a shorter period.